Trex-Security Demo
In a few words:
The module allows for a:
- Secure
- Single use password
- Offline
Login, to any device capable of running:
No connectivity, secret key or clock synchronization needed.
For more details, see the readme of the repository at:
Running the demo:
- Get the image:
docker pull trexsec/pam-demo:latest
- Run the container:
docker run -td --rm --network host --name trex-demo trexsec/pam-demo:latest
- SSH into the demo: (replace
with the actual address, usuallylocalhost
)ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no docker@device-address -p2222
- Follow the instructions printed.
- Password for users
- User
has the module enabled, userroot
does not.
Once convinced that:
- The container does not access the Internet
- The container does not need to sync the time
- The container does not hold any secret key of value (optional temp. HTTPS key only).
- To login, a PGP message must be decrypted
- The message is only used once
- The message can also be obtained as a QR code
Proceed to the demo of the proprietary product:
Submit the form:
A full demo includes:
- Full on-premise control of the keys used.
- Control and configure users and permissions.
- See logs with login attempts and history.
- See other front-ends in action.